
Rachabanda | Brathuku Jatka Bandi | samsaram Oka Chadharamgam Fake shows Spoof

Rachabanda | Brathuku Jatka Bandi | Samsaram Oka Chadharamgam are the popular show which telecasted in the afternoon sections of reputed Telugu channels based on the concept of PROBLEM-SOLVING IN THE FAMILIES.Either it may be a husband-wife problem or any family related problem, The Team is Going to listen the problem carefully and solve with respective decisions of Lawyers and psychiatrist .

          However the Rumours in public (FAKE SHOW) , Most of the Ladies at home (Homemakers) are habituated to such kind of shows at that time, Leaving the work beside they are very much interested in watching this shows regularly.
         Whatever the fact may be , The program directors and show host are making the highlights of Family issues to public to increase their PRP Ratings of the channel.And these promo videos are increasing the curiosity of watching for Women at home.

Based on this concept , A team made a Spoof of this shows and posted on youtube.That Video especially for our Zingobang Lovers.Enjoy it.!!!

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