
How to prevent HAIR LOSS

Here are some natural remedies to control and prevent hair loss. . . 

  1. Onion juice -
    Chop onion in to fine pieces and take out the juice of it by using juicer machine.Apply the juice to your scalp for 15 minutes.Then wash your hair with water.Repeat this 3-4 times a week for better result.
  2. Garlic and Coconut oil -
    Take some garlic cloves and coconut oil.Crush garlic cloves then mix the garlic crush with 1 tablespoon of coconut oil.Now boil this mixture for few minutes,stir gently.After the mixture cools,apply it to your scalp in a gentle massaging motion.Leave it for 30 minutes.Then wash your hair  with mild shampoo.Repeat this 2-3 times a week for better results.
  3. coconut milk -
    Extract coconut milk from fresh coconut.Apply this milk to your scalp and hair.Massage your scalp with the coconut milk for few minutes.Then leave it for 30 minutes.After that wash your with water.Do this once a week to prevent hair loss.
  4. Amla(Indian Gooseberry) -
    Use either amla juice or amla pulp. Mix 2 tablespoons of amla(pulp or juice) and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice.Massage your scalp with the mixture thoroughly for 10-15 minutes.Leave this for 1 hour and then wash your hair with water.Repeat this for once a week.You can also leave it on over night by covering your hair with a shower cap and shampoo your hair in the morning.
  5. Aloe Vera -
    Take an aloe vera leaf and collect the pulp.Apply this to your hair and scalp.Leave it for 45 minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water.Repeat this process for 3-4 times a week for better result.
  6. Fenugreek(methi) -
    Soak fenugreek seeds in water over night and grind it in the next morning to make a fine paste.Apply this paste to the scalp and hairs and let it set for 30 minutes to 60 minutes, covering your hair with a shower cap so it doesn't get dry. After that wash it off with a lot of water, no need of utilizing a chemical or cleanser. Repeat this process at least  twice a week for one month to get better result.
  7. Hot Oil -
    Take oil in a container and heat the oil lightly for few minutes.Now apply this warm oil to your scalp and hair.Massage your scalp for 15 minutes.Let it sit for 1 hour ,after that wash it off with a mild shampoo.You can also leave  the oil on your hair for overnight and then wash off in the morning.You can use coconut oil,amla oil,castor oil,almond oil, mustard oil,olive oil,jojoba oil.For better results you can also use the mixture of all oils.
  8. Curd -
    Take 4-5 table spoon on curd,1 tablespoon of honey(optional).Apply this mixture to your scalp and hairs.Leave it for 45 minutes.Then wash it off with water.
  9. Hibiscus leaves or flowers - 
    Heat 12-15 hibiscus flowers in 2-3 tablespoons of coconut oil. Strain the mixture and gather the oil. Apply this oil to the scalp and hairs, leave overnight and wash in the morning. To utilize the hibiscus leaves, grind them into fine paste and apply the paste to the scalp and hairs.Leave it on for 30 minutes to 60 minutes. Wash off with a lot of water.
  10. Tea -
    Prepare a strong tea decoction  by boiling 2-3 tablespoons of tea powder(or leaves) in a cup of water and strain the liquid.Now press 1 lemon in to the decoction. Mix it thoroughly.Now wash your hair with this mixture of shampoo.Later wash your hair with fresh water.Make sure that you will not use shampoo after washing your hair with decoction.
  11. Potato juice -
    Smash some fresh potato and press out the juice. Apply this juice directly onto your scalp and hairs. Leave on for 30 minutes to a hour yet don't give the pack a chance to get dry.Then wash your hair with fresh water.
  12. Egg white -
    Separate  2 or 3 egg whites from the yolk.Apply this egg white directly to your hair and scalp and leave it for 30-40 Minutes.Then wash your hair with mild shampoo.
  13. Neem Leaves -
    Boil fresh neem leaves in water until the water reduces to half of its quantity.Let the water cool. Now wash your scalp and hair with this mixture.Repeat this twice a week to get better result.
  14. Olive oil and Egg -
    Separate 1 egg white from the yolk.Now add 1 tablespoon of olive oil to egg white,Beat this mixture to get paste like consistency.Now apply this mixture to your scalp and hair.Leave it for 30 minutes.Now wash your hair whit mild shampoo and cold water.
  15. Honey -
    Add 2 tablespoons of honey,1 table spoon of olive oil and 1 tablespoon of cinnamon powder and mix them thoroughly to get a fine paste.Apply this paste to your scalp and hair.Leave it for 20 minutes and then wash your hair with water.
  16. Aloe Vera and Neem -
    Extract fresh aloe vera juice,and add dried neem leaf powder and 3-4 drops of amla oil to this juice. Mix them thoroughly.Now apply this paste to scalp and hair.Then wash your hair with water after 30 minutes.
  17. Shikakai -
    Take 2 tablespoons of shikakai powder,1 tablespoon of fresh curd and 1 egg white.Mix them thoroughly.Apply this mixture to your scalp and let it sit for 30 minutes.After that wash it off with cold water.
  18. Dried Amla -
    Heat coconut oil with dried amla until the shade of oil turns the dark.Now let the oil cool.Then apply this oil to your scalp and hair.Massage your scalp for 10 minutes.Leave it for 30 minutes and then wash it off with water.Repeat this for twice a week to get better result.
  19. Honey and Onion -
    Chop onion in to fine pieces and take out the juice of it by using juicer machine.Now take 2 tablespoons of onion juice and 1 tablespoon of honey.Mix them thoroughly.Apply this mixture to your scalp and massage it into the scalp.Leave it for 5 minutes and then wash it off with warm water.
  20. Black pepper and Lime seeds - 
    Powder the dried lime seeds and add this to new grounded pepper powder.Mix this powders with some water to make a fine paste.Now apply this paste to your scalp and massage it into scalp.After few minutes wash it off with water.
  21. Alcohol or Vodka -
    Mix around 30-45 ml of vodka or alcohol with 1 tablespoon of pepper powder and pour this mixture in warm water.Wash your hair and scalp with this warm water once per week to lessen hair fall.

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